Dave is a successful serial entrepreneur and Internet technologist specializing in the building and managing of high-energy development organizations leveraging the best trends in computing solutions and open source software.
Dave is currently the VP of Engineering at ZipList, an Internet startup recently bought by Condé Nast, the publishers of Bon Appétit, Glamour and Vogue. Prior to ZipList, Dave held the position of Technology Vice President at America Online, working with teams in Virginia, Mountain View and Irvine on products such as AIM and on company-wide initiatives like the AOL Developer Network.
Dave holds a Computer Science degree from Washington State University and three patents for Internet inventions. With twenty-five years of professional development experience, Dave can fire off amusing cat pictures into a developer IRC at impressive speeds.
Dave also has a voracious appetite for learning all about all manner of things. This website is more about discovering and exploring those things — so let’s get started!